Technology is watching you

Technology is watching you

Privacy is dissolving at this era

 In this article, I'm discussing the following topic titled: Technology is watching you.

Windows OS

A standalone spyware used by hackers to spy on your files.

Device drivers

Backdoor installers.

Mobile phone

A spyware system used by the government to spy on your camera and GPS.

Google search

A web-based spyware used by agencies to spy on your interests.


A web-based social spyware used by you to ruin your own privacy and to spy on other peoples’ profiles, especially, those who are not in your friends list and publish their private info, by mistake and ignorance, publicly.


A professional web-based spyware that people use to spy on each other’s careers and to answer questions like: 1+2 = 7 so 15+4=? and where phrases like “interested” and “please review my profile” are consuming thousands of Terabytes on the “in” spying web server.


A spying network of interconnected spying devices.


A spying input device


Central sPying Unit


MICRO Spyware OFfice Technology.


In fact, this is how some people think of technology. Is it true? at least to some extent? or are these people clinically paranoid?

Anyway, I just wanted to draw a smile on your face on how someone's mind would redefine the whole life's concepts and in depth to match his/her beliefs or objectives.

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